New Hampshire Home Wine Making Laws

State Law: Legal Amounts of Homemade Wine

New Hampshire laws regarding homemade wine are pursuant to the federal law which states the following:

The aggregate amount of wine exempt from tax under this subsection with respect to any household shall not exceed – (1) 200 gallons per calendar year if there are 2 or more adults in such household, or (2) 100 gallons per calendar year if there is only 1 adult in such household.

State Alcoholic Beverages Control Agency

New Hampshire Liquor Commission
50 Storrs Street
P.O. Box 503
Concord, NH 03302-0503
Phone: 603.230.7015 (Receptionist and Commissioner’s Office)
Phone: 603.271.3521 (Enforcement and Licensing)
Phone: 603.230.7010 (Administrative Services)

Statute Title & Description

New Hampshire statute Title XIII, Chapter 175, 178 & 179

Section 175:1 Definitions

“Adult” means any individual 21 years of age, or older.

“Alcohol” means that substance known as ethyl alcohol or hydrated oxide of ethyl alcohol which is commonly produced by the fermentation or distillation of grain, starch, molasses, sugar, potatoes or other substances, including all dilutions and mixtures of these substances.

“Beverage” means any beer, wine, similar fermented malt or vinous liquors and fruit juices and any other liquid intended for human consumption as a beverage having an alcoholic content of not less than 1/2 of one percent by volume and not more than 6 percent alcohol by volume at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and specialty beer as defined in RSA 175:1, LXIV-a. The commission may approve any cider greater than 6 percent.

Section 178:1 Licenses Required; Enforceability of Contracts

No person shall manufacture for sale, or sell in any method or manner, directly or indirectly, or distribute by selling, transferring, giving, or delivering to another, or leaving, bartering, or exchanging with another, or offering or agreeing to do the same, in any method or manner, directly or indirectly, or keep for sale any liquor or beverage without first registering to do business with the secretary of state and obtaining a license for such activity under the provisions of this title. Any violation of this section shall be a class B felony for each violation.

Section 179:15 Transportation of Beverages and Wine

A person may transport or deliver beverages and wines in this state without a license, provided such beverages and wines were obtained as authorized by this title and provided such beverages and wines are for consumption only and not for resale purposes


NOTE: The information presented here is not a substitute for legal advice.  For detailed information regarding the laws of your state please contact the state’s governing agency and/or a lawyer licensed to practice in your state.



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American Wine Grape Distributors Inc. AKA A. Silvestro Wine Grape, has been in business for over 5 decades. We are wine enthusiasts just like you and want to share in that enjoyment. This is why we are developing a new and exciting platform for growers, restaurants, sommeliers and home winemakers. Our goal is to bring the wine community together and is the driving force behind our new blog.