Learn more about your favorite grape varietal! Our website provides visitors with in-depth information regarding each varietal from Alicante to Zinfandel. We’ve researched each grape so our visitors can enhance their knowledge regarding the grape’s origin, places they are grown, properties of the grape, partnering with food, and coming soon…a restaurant directory that serves the food.
As you read you will discover interesting information regarding where your favorite grape originated and when and how it arrived in the United States. You’ll also be able to learn about where in the world the grape is being grown. Based on the myriad of influences on the final bottle we’ve included information about the individual properties of the grape to help you understand the nature of the land, weather and what impact they have on the resulting yields and flavor (tannins, acidity, and body).
Partnering your favorite wine with food can be tricky. We provide a list of delicious meals that pair well with each grape variety to help take your dining experience to the next level. We also list restaurants that carry your wine and make those delicious foods to make date night, or just an evening out, a success.